谢谢来自台湾鸽友的祝贺!波治全国2位。上周末我们还飞出查维尔230羽1位、2000多羽的6位。巴特 Thank you Taiwan fanciers for all messages for winning 1e Prov/2e National Bourges!! Last weekend we won also 1e Chevrainvilliers 230 birds and 6e Chevrainvilliers against +2000 birds. Best Wishes Bart
大家对鸽王"阿曼多"肯定不陌生,多明尼克已跟风,引进2羽直子、1羽直女,也就是说年底鸽友们可以有孙代买罗!已请他子配女近亲配给我们拍卖,喜欢近亲的到时候可以关注一下。 Very happy to introduce you my 2 sons and 1 daughter in my breeding loft of the worldfamous "Armando" of Jo?l Verschoot! "Armando" is the best racing ace pigeon of Belgium in history and sold for 1.252.000 euros!