阿德里安将在星期五传来,尼豪尔父子全舍拍卖的眼+羽+体型等资料,如PIPA一贯记载网拍鸽的特徵-整体-翅膀等,请稍候。Ivy, Ruby, i'll be able to sent you the PPQC for Nihoul only this friday. I tried to have appointment there before but it's not possible to go before friday.
尤利的阵风血统,在各地发挥,一年前阵风直子在贺伯特以非常高价拍出(应尤利要求不曝光价钱),在那之後没有再拍卖阵风直子。 本场拍卖会11/14结拍,还有阵风直孙、阵风兄弟,纪录鸽6羽。尤利相当震惊,拍卖的960是超级鸽,029省赛8位,现在两个价钱太便宜了,请鸽友们抓紧时机抢便宜啦。 Last child sold Gust for xxxxx EUR on www.herbots.be 1 year ago. Since then I didn't sell any! 960 is a super bird and 029 winner of 8th provincial !!!!
尤利传来鸽舍遭窃事件警方的报告书,序号:TU.17.L6.006328/2018,警方的联系电话003214333700。 Finally I get report from the Police on the theft. The number of the investigation file is: TU.17.L6.006328/2018. Bidders of the stolen pigeons can contact 003214333700 and ask with reference of the number of the file.
大陆鸽友用纯瓦特鸽子作出冠军,2017年厦门思明信鸽协会夏季白鹭杯,四关综合总冠军,赢了超过百万人民币 Winner in Xiamen he win 1ste Ace pigeon, is the BAI LU CUP the pigeon won 1.900.000 RMB is super the father and mother from this pigeon is from my loft. 这羽冠军鸽的父鸽,还是今年2018-查特卢17269羽全国9位全兄。瓦特这配对B08-6373674x B09-6216191,真的很不简单!