艾密尔2018年泰国国王盃捷报!周六决赛490公里,2957羽,获得3-13-20-40-45-48-82位佳绩,同时是海外鸽第一归返,也就是公主杯冠军??是他第三次得到外国人冠军(2006-2011-2018)恭喜恭喜 Dear Ruby Today fci Thailand final race. 490 km from chizngmai i win the princess cup for the 3 rd time (2006-2011-2018) the pigeon wins nr 3 position 2957 pigeons started.
公棚阵风×梦幻者直子B17-6032193 赢得菁英公棚训练冠军,父鸽:公棚阵风正是尤利提供拍卖的2羽之一,母鸽:梦幻者作出B14-6100967 阵风直子967另一羽拍卖鸽)!! 6032193-17 won 1° on training the BELGIUM MASTERS OLR 2017! father:6031459-13, currently for auction ! mother:6217150-08 "Dream Away" = MOTHER 6100967-14 also for auction now !
拍卖鸽B14-6100967 阵风直子967也有一羽超级同母姐鸽13-574乔茨15-联盟鸽王全国3位,在查特卢1-2-3场比赛分别获得全国11位-全国35位-全国649位好成绩!! super halfsister of 6100967-2014 is 6031574-2013 "JOSJE" who was 3° National Ace Pigeon Cureghem-Centre ! She won a 11° National KBDB and a 35° NAtional KBDB, both on Chateauroux 543km !
拍卖鸽B14-6100967 阵风直子967 同时是刊登在专12的真命天女的全兄弟,真命天女直系赢得马拉公棚冠军!! 6100967-2014 is a full brother to "Soulmate". The 2017 winner of the big MIRA One Loft is a descendant of 6031457-2013 !
尤利收到英国Tim 说他取名北方阵风-拍卖鸽B14-6100967全兄弟-阵风×梦幻者直子,成了超级种鸽已作出3羽冠军鸽,其中含省赛冠军!! Tim Atikin from UK has a super breeder he calls "GUST NORTH". from"De Gust" x "Dream Away", like 6100967-14. Gust NOrth has 3 different 1st winner. He's also father to a PROVINCIAL winner.
尤利最新消息,阵风409作出直女艾芙B16-6050554 *阵风孙* 由依沃.伦德斯作翔以11.4320% 遥遥领先,荣护2017 PIPA评比7场以及6场国家赛最佳一岁鸽双排名冠军!!6050554-2016 "EEF" 1° Best Bird Belgium 7 National Races 1° Best Bird Belgium 6 National Races
收到佛斯特拉售出的鸽子在2017 公棚赛事优秀表现,马尔他岛跨海670公里1-4-5-6等位,RO17-012736罗马尼亚金鸽460公里决赛冠军-尤利安作翔,游龙+巨星血系以及德国公棚505公里决赛2位+英国黑海公棚2位 ..!Unbelievable how many fanciers are so successful with the purchase of original Verstraete birds. As in 1st , 2nd and 3rd generation…. they like to hit the top of each race result 2017
尤利捐赠他的鸽子在线上拍卖,尽他所能支持他的俱乐部,拍卖今天上线。预祝成功^^ Today the donation sale for my club started. We try everything to support my club and make this event to a succes! Thank you !
范欧克巴特&南希夫妇入赏查特卢4125羽省赛20位这羽,是尤利卖给他们13-936的下代,阵风直女528的孙。现在尤利专场拍卖的第二羽公棚阵风正是阵风直女528作出。B&N Van Oeckel win 20° Prov. Chateauroux 4125p. with a grandchild of 6234528-2010. (Same mother as 459/13 in the current auction) Another super breeder for them is 6309936-2013 ! Check the pedigree atached !