英格兰的朋友Tim Atkin,在昨天以3羽“阵风”直孙飞出了省赛的1,2,3位!!恭喜!!Tim Atkin from Rugby UK won the 1,2,3 Provincial yesterday in England, ALL 3 PIGEONS ARE GRANDCHILDREN “DE GUST” 6097309-06
杰夫收到罗马尼亚鸽友的感谢函,说大师的种鸽作出Ro18-4017905参赛赢得2018年FCI罗马尼亚金鸽公棚决赛5位,团队冠军,905是霹雳玛丹娜直女717 B14-2270717的直孙,(14-717在116 网拍中拍出),也是康塔多亚精顿+211雌直系^^ Stefan Botnar write to Jef, I borrow some of yours pigeons to my best friend.Results are fantastic. Thank you very much Mister Jef van Winkel.
尤利在荷兰的朋友文森鸽舍上周末众多佳绩中,1位+2位是100% 尤利的阵风直系^^ Vincent Bonnes from Holland had an awsome result this weekend, winning a super series, but his 1st and 2nd prize winner are both 100% Ulrich Lemmens (bred from 4 original LEmmens birds)
尤利好友Hermans - Bonné以"奥林匹克阵风"直孙飞出亚精顿幼鸽组省赛10位!!恭喜!! Super results by Hermans - Bonné on the National Young bird race from Argenton. They won 10° Provincial with a pigeon direct from our loft !