好友Hermans-Bonné使翔尤利鸽子获得18-苏尔丹2808羽省赛2位!!恭喜!! Super reference: Hermans-Bonné wins 2nd Provincial of 2808 young birds with a bird DIRECT from our loft. Pedigree atached, it's of the line of "GAMBLE" who is BROTHER "LEONIE" (GUST 6087309-2006) and "BETTINI" (William)
恭喜艾密尔赢得875公里 拿邦一岁鸽国际冠军!!^^ Dear ivy I am 1 international narbonne yearlings 875 km velocity 1068 meter a minute very hot 38 c. Frank will send video en pedigree to ruby. 301743817
巴特薛伦威利斯Chevrainvilliers 319公里幼鸽9位的 又是黑影一世×布利福小姐直子!! Chevrainvilliers 326 km 1756 young birds: 9-50-92-97-100 9e = Son 'Black Shadow Junior' x 'Miss Brive'
巴特在周末的亚精顿国家赛中赢得8588羽一岁鸽89位,莱邦纳2800羽全国59位,都是黑影直孙喔 祝大家好运!! This weekend Argenton 527km we won 89e National from 8800 pigeons and Libourne 59e National 2800 pigeons, Both are Grandchildren to ‘Black Shadow’ !! Best Wishes Bart
尤利在 莱邦纳的俱乐部老鸽1位+一岁鸽1位+2位,省赛成绩11位+14位16位 如血统书阵风家族,再传佳音! Top weekend on long distance. 1 Old and 1,2 Yearligns on Libourne 803km in the club. Provincial we'll have 12, 14, 26 ! Atached 3 first pedigrees.
艾瑞克传来年轻巴拉巴斯315入赏17-KBDB中长距离鸽王省赛4位。2018.7.15刚赢得贾奈克一岁鸽全国4位正是她的全兄弟轻巴拉巴斯316^^ B17-3061315 H 4th Prov. KBDB ace pigeon.her full brother who won last weekend 4th national Jarnac YL against 4.802 birds. Distance 626 kilometer in very very hard weatherconditions!
尤利一羽义卖母鸽,由荷兰Comb. Smit-Vos 作出幼鸽8605羽15位+17位 好成绩!! Very nice reference from Holland. 1° + 2° Prize of 864 youngsters and 15° + 17° of 8605 pigeons for Comb. Smit-Vos (Afdeling 9) are nestmates and the mother he bought as a donation from our loft!