范德沃尔兄弟 Van De Walle传来消息,波尔多号全兄弟作出直女B16-4241116 刚入赏巴塞隆纳赢得俱乐部1位+ 7429羽全国78位!!,这羽来自他的黄金配对黄金花头×最佳雌直孙女 B16-4241116 Catalaantje( daughter Bordeaux Express)....1° Barcelona Yesterday.
台湾的朋友,上周707公里的蒙特利马,巴特使翔荷兰鸽飞出全国14位,同时好友Hok则使用巴特的鸽子黑影直孙飞出全国50位!! Dear Taiwan friends, last weekend we won 14e National Montelimar 707km (17-1605654) and 50e National Montelimar (17-2018955) Grandchild 1e National Barcelona and raced by Hok Rommelaere
On middle distance with the young birds we win 2,3,5,7,9,10 in tyhe club and in the federation we start with 7,8,... very hard race because of the hard head wind and high tempatures.