另一个战绩是阵风直孙在美国 赢得302英哩6位,鸽王5位!! Another nice reference, this time from USA. Crazy Al & Karlton Kroese win 6° Place in the big 302 miles races and have the 5th Overall Ace Pigeon. Mother of this bird is inbred to our "FREGU" 6171401-2011 probably the best son of "DE GUST" 6087309-2006
巴特19号的薛伦威利斯326公里一岁鸽组317羽中入赏 1位+6位..,17-947 已经赢得魁夫兰+薛伦威利斯3次1位了!!19/05/18 Chevrainvilliers 326km, 317 yearlings:1,6,11,12,25,32 10/16 1e => 2131947-17 wins in 2018 3x1e 1e Quievrain and 2x 1e Chevrainvilliers!!
18号伯里斯送2羽参加半全国赛-梅肯Macon 美洲豹直子417赢得4894羽亚军.父鸽为四次回力镖近亲,另1羽110位喔.this week : I won the 2nd semi national on MACON (381km) against 4.894 birds only entered the race with 2 birds and won : 2nd -110th against 4.894 birds... and the winner is 50% from my blood
10天前受伤继续参赛的安德烈,这星期329公里奥尔良213羽老鸽组包办2~10位168羽一岁鸽4+5位,上星期5/12图瑞240羽老鸽3+4+5..位121羽一岁鸽2位. 期盼下星期波治大赛的到来!! Ivy, I’am very happy to sent the rusult of this week ( Middle Distance 329 Km) I hope we do the same for a couple of Next Week 26/05 We have the National BOURGS 410 Km)
法斯联合鸽舍以阵风直系及近亲直系赢得威尔森省赛14+17位!Comb. Faes-Wils wins 14° + 17° Provincial Vierzon 499km with inbreds of our Gust. Also they won 4° Place on 373km today with an inbred Gust.
尤利的真命天女(116网拍售出)直孙,在法国赢的得1位佳绩!Laurent Hild in France had a super results from Port Lesney 190km 1,6,7,10,11,12, ... of 483 birds. The first prize winner is a grandchild of "Soulmate" which is sold on your website!