巴特-很高兴黑影直系台湾飞出成绩,预祝拍卖成功,莫伦282公里517羽老鸽组获3-6-9位..好成绩!!Happy to see Mr Chen have Good results with Our pigeons, Good luck with your auction!! Our results last weekend: Melun 282km (O)517P 3-6-9-21-35,Melun 482 1y 5-8-27-34-49 Chevrainvilliers 326km 287 1y 3-4-20-23-25
尤利高兴的宣布,建立高品质的公棚,收欧洲优质以及自家顶级鸽依同出赛!!ANOUNCEMENT: We are happy to let you know we started another new project. We build up a high quality ONE LOFT RACE collection with the best birds of European races. And offcourse our own top One Loft Race birds!
巴兹基传来,宙士赢得苏尔丹319公里俱乐部冠军1247羽4位-小乔伊直孙,下场网拍有2与相关喔!! 1e Club Sourdun 319 km old birds, 4e Sourdun 1.247 p. raced by Thoné X + M (Sons Jos Thoné) is born on our loft as son Anastacia, grandson Little Joe. In my next auction there will be 2 brothers available of this pigeon. (BE16-2315563 -BE16-2315564)
尤利在法斯联合鸽舍的2羽阵风曾孙,本周双双入3位佳绩。Nice Reference this weekend. Comb. Faes - Wils wins 3rd prize with the old birds and also 3rd prize with yearlings (1° Nominated) both pigeons are direct from my loft. See pedigrees atached ! Both are grandchildren of "FREGU" 6171401-2011