瓦特获得今年KBDB幼鸽最佳鸽舍全国5位,在安特卫普省最大的长距离俱乐部,获得总冠军,也有位大陆鸽友在今年夏天用他的鸽子飞出厦门比赛的鸽王冠军。发信来跟大家分享?Chinees fancier from Xiamen won 1 ace pigeon. Here in my loft I won the 1 championchip in Antwerp Flyingclub, is the biggest club in the province Antwerp long distance.
尤利传来好友依沃.伦德斯赢得6次国家赛最佳一岁鸽全国冠军,而这羽是他镇舍种鸽阵风直孙!!Best yearling of Belgium on 6 national races is a hen of Ivo Renders! This hen is a GRANDDAUGHTER TO OUR "GUST" 6087309-2006
亲爱的鸽友我们最喜欢的1.是2号拍卖鸽有好中距离成绩,2.是第5号拍卖鸽双头杨.胡曼斯名鸽哈利直系,以及第9号拍卖鸽.!Dear Taiwan friends, I want to inform about my favorite pigeons in my auction.1. NO2.15-2002516 with great results on 1/2fond, 2. NO.4.15-2032440 great Inbred hen to Famous Harry 3. 16-2291739 Olympiade cock!!