艾密尔.烈尼斯女儿 瑞贝卡 赢得罗马尼亚决赛当日9羽归返中,比利时第一归返,本羽也是半决赛515公里11位(比利时第二归返) Dear Ivy Yesterday was final race fci derby corabia 525 km only 9 back on the day. My daughter Rebecca wins nr 5. Belgium nr 1. It is the same pigeon that won nr 11 in semi final 514 km 10 days before. We are very happy
安特卫普飞行俱乐部成绩出炉,瓦特.帝莱克赢得A.F.C.长距离幼鸽最佳鸽舍冠军!!KBDB成绩要到10月公布期待好消息Hi Ivy,The AFC is Antwerp Flying Club is the biggest club long Distane in the province Antwerp and I win the 1 ste Champion youngsters in 2017. I send to KBDB for the Nat. Asduif youngsters and Championchip youngsters long distance..
丹尼尔,传来已获得C.F.W.(整个法语区又称半全国)颁发连续六年马赛鸽王国际冠军、亚军荣衔,在等待KBDB成绩之际分享他的喜悦!! Club Fond Wallonie has already publiced the championships.On the int.ranking Marseille i have 1 and 2 int.acepigeon 6y.1e et 2e 4292436/10- 454e,1450e,393e,1199e,956e et 412e& 4319957/10-1425e,1765e,1127e,2406e,1501e et 125e
尤利合作鸽舍,再次以阵风双头近亲直孙赢得4次第一指定鸽的彩金,彩金高达1500欧,这在欧洲是一件非常大的荣耀,分享尤利的喜悦^^ Both lofts are marked in results atached. Our first nominated with 4 times "DE GUST" 6087309-2006 in the pedigree wins 1500+ EUR gambling money, for Belgium standards A BIG THING !
杰夫传来比利时最後一场国加赛查特卢518公里入赏:老鸽组1727羽全国21位-94位-125位..幼鸽组12149羽全国77位-102位-324位-593位...^^. Hi Ivy, Chateauroux National 518 km. Old birds 21, 68 , 85 national Young birds 63 , 78 national Kind regards Jef
艾密尔在2017年9月9日葡萄牙阿尔加维 Algarve Great Derby公棚的热点集鸽1530羽,参赛10羽积分赢得锦标赛最佳鸽舍冠军。 Today i am champion in hotspot nr 4 in Algarve teat derby 1530 pigeons still in race ( Portugal)
安娜蜜作出日本友人参赛,入赏FCI罗马尼亚科拉比亚公棚半决赛3位,当天只回来10羽,父鸽是安娜蜜喜爱种鸽马克西姆全弟.更惊喜的是同父母鸽也赢得西班牙公棚518公里决赛35位!! 3. semi final Derby Corabia 515 km.Very tough race, only 10 pigeons arrived first day.This is my pigeon of course J raced on my name, and together with japanese
尤利传来116网站拍到B13-6031457 真命天女的曾孙赢得米拉公棚决赛冠军大奖!! Ivy, big news today. The world famous MIRA ONE LOFT RACE (WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FCI) is won by Cesario Pereira. The mother of this bird is a grandchild of 6031457-2013 DIRECT DAUGHTER "DE GUST" 6087309-2006 and sold ON YOUR WEBSITE !!!