多明尼克传来好消息赢得2016-南非大奖赛热点赛比利时 3532羽第一归返,国际18位,盖比纯血,父:班吉大师将在2017.1.10拍卖 First hotspot One Million Dollar Race I start with the 1° Belgian pigeon! My pigeon 'Flying Hard 26' wins the 18° prize total of 3532p. 100% Gaby Vandenabeele pigeon!
运输通知:由於一些欧盟国家有禽流感状况,无法进台。取消12月初进台,将尽快寻求解决再公布。Due to the current AI status in quite a few EU countries, Taiwan refuse to receive birds from several EU For this reason we have to cancel the December group. As soon as we find an appropriate solution..