巴特传来这场拍卖中,最喜爱的14-219蒙吕松全国56位同孵雌和15-529只在幼鸽参赛并问候大家。Hello friends! about my auction!! My two favorite birds in my auction: 2172219-14 nestbrother 65e National Montlucon 2016 and 2002529-15 great hen in hand and only raced as youngster!!! Good luck to all! Best Wishes
Pipa you find the auction of the 20 first pigeons Golden Algarve Race. You find my pigeon, grandchild Rudy - Gaby Vandenabeele, 6th prize final 3644p http://www.pipa.be/nl/pigeons-for-sale/online/auctions/golden-algarve-race-pt-nl/1#70957