Dear Ivy,On March the 16th was the ceremony for EURODIAMOND AWARDS 2013 in ST.JANS,HOTEL in BRUGES. EMIEL DENYS received the EURO DIAMOND AWARD ST.VINCENT INTERNATIONAL 2013" 艾密尔.烈尼斯获颁2013圣维仙国际鸽王欧洲之钻的最高荣衔 恭喜!
Hello fotoyin, Ivy and Ruby,I got this weekend an email from Frank Daelemans, Represantative for the Belgian pigeons in SCMDPR (One Million Dollar Race South-Africa).He invites me personal for a free diner on 15th of March for the nomination of the first Belgian pigeon in the final 2014 !! I will receive a real golden Medail, sponsored by the Riddersclub – Belgium. I will send you the photos afther the nomination after the 15th of March!多明尼克受邀参加3/15晚宴,领取南非百万大奖赛决赛-比利时第一归返金牌,届时再传照片给116! 恭喜!