After a great start in the speed (<300 km) races, also the continuation of the season on longer distances is developing beyond expectations. * On Gien, 443 km (19/05/2012), amongst: 6872 old pigeons: 2, 4, 8, 9, 15, 52, 77,... (17/17) 3115 yearlings: 2, 5, 10, 18, 53,... (12/16) * Bourges, 511 km (26/05/2012) 2914 old pigeons: 1, 96,... (3/6) * Chateauroux, 02/06/2012 1509 old pigeons: 2, 4, 55, 125 (4/6) 1036 yearlings: 21, 86 (2/6) * Gien, 443 km 02/06/2012 2877 old pigeons: 41, 66, 67,... (7/9) 2185 yearlings: 16, 27,... (4/7) * Chateauroux, 09/06/2012 8853 old pigeons: 1 (total results not yet known) 恭喜!!哈利夫妇荣获 2012年6月9日查特卢8853羽老鸽组: 1位!!!总成绩还未公布
Hi Ivy, Daems have this year all good raced he winning 3 times 1price: 1ste price Dourdan 489 pigeons union Antwerp yearlings. 1ste price Dourdan 262 pigeons union Antwerp old birds. 1ste price Quivrain 139 pigeons pigeonclub Bevel old birds.Best regards,Walter 恭喜 路易.达姆斯(帝斯父子)今年赛季以来已获2次370公里杜亚丹1位,以及魁夫兰139羽1位!!