After a great start in the speed (<300 km) races, also the continuation of the season on longer distances is developing beyond expectations. * On Gien, 443 km (19/05/2012), amongst: 6872 old pigeons: 2, 4, 8, 9, 15, 52, 77,... (17/17) 3115 yearlings: 2, 5, 10, 18, 53,... (12/16) * Bourges, 511 km (26/05/2012) 2914 old pigeons: 1, 96,... (3/6) * Chateauroux, 02/06/2012 1509 old pigeons: 2, 4, 55, 125 (4/6) 1036 yearlings: 21, 86 (2/6) * Gien, 443 km 02/06/2012 2877 old pigeons: 41, 66, 67,... (7/9) 2185 yearlings: 16, 27,... (4/7) * Chateauroux, 09/06/2012 8853 old pigeons: 1 (total results not yet known) 恭喜!!哈利夫妇荣获 2012年6月9日查特卢8853羽老鸽组: 1位!!!总成绩还未公布
Hi Ivy, Daems have this year all good raced he winning 3 times 1price: 1ste price Dourdan 489 pigeons union Antwerp yearlings. 1ste price Dourdan 262 pigeons union Antwerp old birds. 1ste price Quivrain 139 pigeons pigeonclub Bevel old birds.Best regards,Walter 恭喜 路易.达姆斯(帝斯父子)今年赛季以来已获2次370公里杜亚丹1位,以及魁夫兰139羽1位!!
Dear Pigeon Fancier,Great success for Marc De Cock on Limoges of 2nd June 2012:4014073/10 wins on Limoges:Limoges regional 1 of 221 pigeons Limoges national zone 1st Limoges provincial 5 of 3.420 pigeons Limoges national 11 of 13.781 pigeons 恭喜马克.迪库克6月2日入赏利蒙治地区1位省赛5位全国13781羽11位