hello , here some news from us Van Hertem- Schuurmans We start the racing season only with hens because the weather is still too cold , but they are taking a good start on 8/4/2012 we start with the first price between 1329 pigeons and last week the same hen have the first price between 510 pigeons and the 6 from 1728 pigeons , so are start go's well. The young birds are flying verry well so an a few weeks we can start with the training best regards Lisette 中短距离的哈利.凡赫特姆一开赛即赢得幼鸽1329羽、510羽2场1位、1728羽6位的好成绩!
I receive a letter Hello Jos we congratulate you on the good start of the season, we wish the same.results on all other ranges! Alexander。宙士 的一岁鸽在赛季的开始又是勇往直前,表现好